This treaty is already making a difference!

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (Nuclear Ban Treaty) outlaws EVERYTHING to do with nuclear weapons in the countries that have ratified it.

The nine nuclear-armed nations are thus under growing pressure from the rest of the world to eliminate this threat to everyone. And so are the profiteering companies that make and maintain nuclear weapons, along with their investors, suppliers and enablers, who could be breaking the law in those countries.

The Treaty gives legal weight, power, and credibility to disarmament efforts worldwide. It's also a wonderful read!

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Pressuring the Nuclear Weapons Profiteers

Our sister organization, NuclearBan.US, lobbies Congress and the White House to sign the Nuclear Ban Treaty and work toward total global abolition of nuclear weapons.

That's quite a challenge, because wealthy war profiteers have more influence over our government than citizens do. So it's crucial to pressure the corporations directly with boycotts, divestment, shaming, and contacting CEO's. In the 1980's, these tactics convinced several nuclear weapons companies to get out of the business -- and to use their influence on the government to help end the Cold War.

Even if our government hasn't yet aligned with the Treaty, WE can join the global movement aligning our communities, organizations, institutions, banks, and investments with the Treaty, building momentum toward eliminating nuclear weapons before they eliminate us.

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The educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit Treaty Alignment Campaign provides educational materials and action toolkits for the Warheads to Windmills Campaign, which is administered by our sister organization, the 501(c)(4) nonprofit NuclearBan.US.

At, you can find extraordinary resources for taking effective action individually or together with the national Warheads to Windmills Coalition.

You can also access Warheads To Windmills: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War, the comprehensive, accessible, indispensable book by Dr. Timmon Wallis.

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This website is about education and about pressuring the profiteers. There's a third crucial activity: building political support for the Nuclear Ban Treaty. To learn more:

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

122 nations adopted the International Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at the United Nations in New York on 7/7/17. It entered into force on 1/22/21. This Treaty finally and conclusively puts nuclear weapons into the same class of illegal and unacceptable weapons as chemical and biological weapons.

The United States does not want to sign this Treaty, but WE THE PEOPLE can demand that it does. We can put pressure on the profiteering companies who are holding us back from joining the rest of the world in addressing this existential threat to the whole planet.

"Good Defeats Evil"  stands outside the United Nations. It was sculpted from fragments of disarmed nuclear missiles from the US and Russia.
"Good Defeats Evil" stands outside the United Nations. It was sculpted from fragments of disarmed nuclear missiles from the US and Russia.